Niek van der Bruggen temporarily appears in the morning on Radio Veronica and Sander during lunch

Niek van der Bruggen temporarily appears in the morning on Radio Veronica and Sander during lunch

Niek van der Bruggen is the fourth DJ to take over Radio Veronica’s morning show in a year. Until Gerard Ekdom starts in September, he will be heard between 6:00 and 9:00 for three months. Joost van der Stel and Liesanne Bronkhorst remain the regulars of the morning. Niek has previously filled in for Rob Stenders and in recent weeks can be heard from 6:00pm to 9:00pm.

Martijn Muijs can be heard from Monday from 7:00pm until 9:00pm, when Wouter van der Goes and Frank van ‘t Hof also start their afternoon show. It was previously announced that Frank van der Linde would be in charge of the late evening slot. Marisa Heutink and Sander Hoogendoorn will have a new place in the daily programs.

New program schedule

The full weekday programming will be as follows starting Monday:

05.00am – 06.00am: Warm-up – Lisanne Bronkhorst
6am – 9am: Good morning too – Nick van der Bruggen
9am-12pm: Old Gold – Marisa Huettink
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM: Sander Hogendoorn
14.00 AM – 16.00 AM: De Bonanza – Rob Stenders
4:00 PM – 7:00 PM: Wout and Frank – Wouter van der Goes and Frank van t Hoff
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM: Martin Muijs
9pm – 12pm: Frank to late – Frank van der Linde

The new programming appears to end the period when DJs often changed venues. For example, Rick van Velthuisen, Frank van der Linde and Martin Moyes presented the morning show for a while. There were also regular changes in the afternoon and evening hours.

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Robert Jan van de Velde, Program Director, Radio Veronica: “With Marissa, Sander and Martin in new places, the puzzle is increasingly falling into place and we are laying the solid foundation for the programs you will hear on Radio Veronica in the coming years. We are also very happy that Niek will be in charge of the morning show in the near future.

Photo: Radio Veronica

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