Monique contradicts her love reconciliation with Andre Hazes: “What nonsense” gossip

Monique contradicts her love reconciliation with Andre Hazes: “What nonsense” gossip

In a series of holiday photos, Monique looks back at the last few weeks in the United States. She writes: “Florida, you were beautiful! We had so much fun together, in peace. It was so special to get messages from the home front that we’d be a couple again and even get married. Oh man, how much nonsense is taken for the truth these days!”

She then recounts what the family went through in the sunny situation. “We traveled, swam, ate, walked on the beach, visited amusement parks, swam with wild manatees, went to a concert, and ate more! In short, I made very beautiful memories.”

At the beginning of April, Monique announced, with a photo at Schiphol, that the family was headed abroad to spend time together. “We are checking out. With and for each other. The past year has been a rollercoaster for all of us. There is peace now, but due to external factors, there is little chance of experiencing this together. To see what shape we need as a family, we’ll be together in the coming weeks. The most important thing for us about this is that our son can spend time with both Mom and Dad in complete freedom where we can be ourselves together! “

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