Missing American woman found in Puerto Rico after 30 years

Missing American woman found in Puerto Rico after 30 years

The woman disappeared from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 30 years ago. Her husband immediately reported her disappearance to the local police. He hasn’t heard from her in years, until she suddenly writes him a letter saying someone is after her.

This wasn’t the first time her husband had heard such sounds. Patricia Copta also showed unusual behavior before she disappeared. For example, she claimed that the Mother of God showed herself to her and warned of the total devastation of the Earth. When she lost her job, she would roam the streets telling people to go home because the world was about to end, the Post-Gazette reported, Pittsburgh Gazette.

She was also caught once and doctors said she had delusions of grandeur.

Help required

Now, thirty years later, the woman has been found in a nursing home in Puerto Rico.

The suspicion that she may have been there became stronger when Kupta – as she got older – began to tell more and more about her life to the house staff. This also increased suspicions about her story. For example, it has long been believed that copta came to Puerto Rico from Europe on a cruise ship.

For a better view of Patricia Copta, check out the photos below:

At one point, one of the house’s employees, along with an agent from the international police organization Interpol, suspected that she might be the missing woman from Pittsburgh.

DNA test

They then contacted the police chief of her former town, who immediately took action. A DNA test was performed at Kupta, which showed that she was the missing woman. The authorities also discovered that she knocked on the door of the nursing home in 1999 because she was looking for help.

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Her family hoped Kupta would return to Pennsylvania. But it remains to be seen if that will happen. Not in good shape mentally and physically. You suffer from dementia. She has already told staff at the nursing home that she would prefer to stay in Puerto Rico.

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