Google Chrome is getting AI writing support, only in the US for now

Google Chrome is getting AI writing support, only in the US for now

US users will see an AI writing assistant appear in Google Chrome. The tool helps to write and edit texts.

Google is integrating AI capabilities into all its products. Customers may already be familiar with Google's chatbot Gemini. Business or One AI Premium subscription users can use the advanced version of the chatbot. However, Google goes beyond just chatbots, but integrates a number of companion tools into workplace products like Gmail, Slides, and Docs. Now the Google Chrome browser has also arrived.

Or at least, that's the case for users in the US. There, users on Mac or Windows PC will get the new 'help me write' function appears. This feature appeared since the update to the latest version of Chrome, M122. The Writing Assistant feature uses Gemini language models.


A writing assistant knows the web page you're on to help you write. It can use that information to make your text more relevant. Google gives the example of someone discussing garden shears in an online store: AI can extract information from an online store page and instantly process it into an estimate. The tool is not only capable of writing texts from scratch, but can also edit and enhance existing texts. The tool can be accessed by right-clicking on text boxes and it will appear in the context menu.

Americans can enable or disable the feature in their Chrome browser settings. They see an 'Experimental AI' page there, but it doesn't appear for European users yet. Google and Chrome browser must comply with additional rules here. Before expanding the AI ​​tool to Europe, Google will first ensure compliance with those rules. When the search engine company introduced its Bart chatbot, it took months to get it here.

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Chromebook Plus

Eventually, the AI ​​writing functionality could be extended to ChromeOS devices, where it could work across systems. This can only happen for Chromebook Plus devices: they have powerful hardware suited for AI workloads. These Plus devices have to distinguish themselves with all kinds of AI functionality, which brings writing functionality only to ChromeOS.

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