Good Times and Bad Times viewers raved about summer cliffhanger: “abnormally good”

Good Times and Bad Times viewers raved about summer cliffhanger: “abnormally good”

Warning: This article contains spoilers for the cliffhanger Good times bad times.

The Dutch soap opera expands on the tension and drama of Cliff Summer Thirty-Three. In the world of soap operas where anything is possible, characters become likable, and some have been a part of it for years GTSTUniverse, encounters a scary event while Meerdijk prepares for their beloved Henk and Laura’s romantic day. But of course this is accompanied by difficulties.

After the wedding at Rozeboom, all the residents leave for the party boat, where the ceremony continues. While the guests are enjoying the wedding together, someone unexpectedly gives Valentine’s Day a whole different turn. With dire consequences for all Meerdijkers…

According to Peter van der Voorst, the content manager deals with RTL happy times They are set this season on an “amazing, old-fashioned summer cliffhanger that is second to none,” and viewers totally agree.

For subscribers outside of Videoland, the season finale can be watched on RTL 4 on Thursday, June 1. Season 34 premieres on Thursday, August 24 on Videoland, and on Monday, August 28 on RTL 4.

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