Face mask scandal in the German Parliament on the eve of the “Great Election Year” |  Abroad

Face mask scandal in the German Parliament on the eve of the “Great Election Year” | Abroad

The German parliament has been shaken by a scandal involving at least two members of the CDU / CSU faction. Both Christian Democrats received tons of commission for brokering the sale of mouth masks. A corruption investigation was launched against one of them.

George Neslin, 52, (CSU), and Nicholas Lobel (CDU), 34, who were to receive around 650,000 euros and about 250,000 euros respectively, announced Sunday that they will leave the group and are no longer standing for the Bundestag elections in the UK. September. Until then, they want to remain in parliament, due to their pension which is calculated over the course of each political session, German media reported Monday morning.

Lobel announced Monday afternoon that he would end his membership in the Bundestag and the Christian Democratic Union immediately. Nusselin then quits his party, but wants to keep his Bundestag membership. The party leadership and leadership are demanding that he give up too. Representatives should not take advantage of the crisis. “ Anyone who enriches himself with masks is not representative of the people and should leave Parliament as soon as possible, ” CDU President and Candidate Chancellor Armin Laschet said of the ARD. According to him, the consequences should be drawn quickly from the actions of two Christian Democrats. “Trust is important now and that trust has been damaged,” said the Premier of North Rhine-Westphalia.

CDU General Secretary Paul Zimiak describes the behavior of Nüßlein and Löbel as “inappropriate” and “shameful” for the Christian Democrats. Anyone who raised their hand in this way must resign. I am speaking on behalf of the entire party: both must take this step now, ” he replied Vivid image.

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CDU / CSU leader in the Bundestag, Ralph Brinkhaus, does not rule out further bipartisan issues. “In the coming days we will clarify all doubts and will not only hold talks, but also ask for appropriate information. Representatives of the people cannot be enriching themselves during the greatest post-war crisis.”


He who enriches himself in masks is not representative of the people and has to leave Parliament as soon as possible

Armen Laschet, President of the CDU and Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia

You also hear the call to leave outside the Bundestag. Bavarian Prime Minister Marcus Söder (CSU) proposed Monday at ZDF Morning Magazine Another “important note”: the commissions collected should be returned and donated for a good cause, also for cleaning up “emotionally”. The CSU Presidium on Monday afternoon discussed what “partisan consequences” the case should have. The Bavarian sister party of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) put in place a code of conduct a few years ago, according to Söder, which is now also “clearly” violated.


At the end of February, the Bundestag lifted George Nesselin from political immunity due to a corruption investigation against him that required a home search. to me woman The Munich Public Prosecutor’s Office suspects that the Bavarian Member of Parliament Münsterhausen has committed bribery and tax evasion.

According to the Journal of Research, Nüßlein used his influence as a politician to push for a mouth mask supplier from the Frankfurt region in the spring of 2020. He did so in the ministries of health and the interior in Berlin as well as in the Bavarian Ministry of Health where the people’s representative lives. The first cabinet is headed by Minister Jens Spahn of CDU, the second is headed by “party friend” Horst Seehofer and the third by someone from the CSU.

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The parliamentarian, who until recently was a CDU / CSU vice president and spokesperson for health, had billed around 650,000 euros for his lobbying work, after which the money would have ended up in an account through an intermediary from the company he ran. The transfer would have been described as a “consultant’s fee” and the company would not have filed a VAT return for that amount.


Initial suspicion of corruption does not automatically mean that there is sufficient evidence to conduct a criminal investigation

Gero Himmelsbach, attorney at Georg Nüßlein

After searching for thirteen properties in Germany and Liechtenstein, including Nüßlein’s private residence and offices in the Neu-Ulm District and Berlin, the People’s Representative announced through his attorney his temporary resignation as party vice president. According to attorney Guero Himmelsbach, his client denies the allegations, and it remains unclear when he can comment in detail “on this apparently complex investigation” and “first suspicion” does not automatically mean sufficient evidence for a criminal investigation. Plus Nüßlein, according to Southgerman Newspaper A second suspect whose identity is still unknown.

Nicholas Lobel of Mannheim (Baden-Württemberg) admitted on Friday that his company received a commission of about 250,000 euros to mediate between a government mask supplier and two private companies from Heidelberg and Mannheim. Lobel initially retired only as a member of the Bundestag’s foreign affairs committee.

The text continues below the image.

Nicholas Lobel.

Nicholas Lobel. © Bundestag


The Face Masks scandal is extremely disturbing politically because of Superwahljahr with at least six state elections, local elections, and federal parliamentary elections between now and the end of September. The match kicks off Sunday in Baden-Württemberg, where the Christian Democratic Union rules with the Greens, and in Rhineland-Palatinate.

Minister of Health

According to Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU), due to a scarcity of time, citizens but also many members of the Bundestag and state parliaments have passed on to the ministry information about suppliers of masks and other personal protective equipment in the early stages of the Corona pandemic, due to a scarcity of time. “As far as I know, there are no indications that things went differently in the case of Mr. Neslin,” the minister told German media.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Health stated the opposite woman That when these offers are received by the department’s management, they are sent to the procurement department, specifically the Federal Procurement Manager, for further processing. “General procedural guidelines have been dealt with.” This also applies to all offers sent by Representative Nüßlein. ”

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