Lions devour a promising hunter (27) at South Africa Wildlife Park |  Abroad

Lions devour a promising hunter (27) at South Africa Wildlife Park | Abroad

The drama took place on Saturday in Marataba, a privately run portion of Marakele National Park. Malibongwe Mfila, according to its employer – the owners of Marataba Luxury Lodges – has been tracking leopards. He apparently got off his car according to the procedure and after about 20 meters he came across two young lions hiding in the bush. They attacked and killed him.

The Malibongwe was, according to the Lodge owners, a qualified Hunter who was part of the Field Support Team. He always acted professionally and had a promising future ahead of him. His family was devastated by his loss. South African CEO Robert Moore told, “ His sunny personality and natural talent would be sorely missed.

An eyewitness warned that he saw lions devour their victim on Sunday morning, the park director warned. When the police arrived, the lions were still eating. According to Mbhandene Nthangini, the lions were shot and the police are investigating.

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