Dijk singer Huub van der Lubbe plays for the first time in a musical |  Book and culture

Dijk singer Huub van der Lubbe plays for the first time in a musical | Book and culture

Singer Hope van der Lubbe will play in a musical for the first time in his career next season. De Dijk’s former foreman will play the lead role in the musical From Autumn La Mancha man.

The performance, based on the world-famous book of the same name by Miguel de Cervantes, is set in a prison in 16th-century Seville. The poet Cervantes (performed by Van der Lubbe) and his colleagues are thrown into a dungeon among poor prisoners. In prison, Cervantes brings to life the story of the idealist Don Quixote. The poet plays the role of a nobleman who has read many brave novels and sets out to do great deeds.

“I saw La Mancha man When I was sixteen, van der Lubbe says, “It’s the best music I’ve ever seen. After De Dijk I wanted to do something completely different. When they called me for the role of Don Quixote, I didn’t think twice!”

Other major roles in the musical were played by Dragan Bakema, Lucretia van der Vloot, Stefan Rokebrand and Doris Baaten.

La Mancha man It will premiere December 17 at DeLaMar in Amsterdam. The show will then be performed throughout the Netherlands until mid-June 2024. Ticket sales started on Wednesday morning.

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