De Jong: “Waving the sound” is dangerous in the room • Procedures are more stringent in Belgium

De Jong: “Waving the sound” is dangerous in the room • Procedures are more stringent in Belgium

Hugo de Jong thinks it’s dangerous to have a party in the House of Representatives not taking the coronavirus seriously. This says the outgoing Minister of Health In an interview With m. De Jonge refers to the Democracy Forum, he said, as “a party that reduces the danger of the virus.”

De Jonge said of the party that grew from two to eight during the election.

De Jong fears that a large group of party leader Thierry Boudt’s ideas will be exposed due to “Corona stress”. Baudet regularly casts doubt on the efficacy of vaccines and the severity of side effects, which, according to De Jonge, may result in not enough people receiving. De Jong says vaccination is “the only real way out of this crisis”. According to De Jonge, talking to conspiracy thinkers doesn’t make much sense, but it makes sense for people with doubts: “You want to keep up with developments.”

In debates in the House of Representatives, De Jonge regularly clashed with Forum Member Wybren van Haga. For example, de Jong Van Haga was accused of spreading false news about vaccines.

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