Cyberpunk 2077 finally becomes playable on PS4 / Xbox One

Cyberpunk 2077 finally becomes playable on PS4 / Xbox One

New week, new JK Journal! This week, Daan and JJ are sitting behind the desk together and they’ll touch up the most important news with you. And the important news of the past days is of course related to the new days to come Cyberpunk Patch Van 2077 And the latest news about the number of GBs in Call of Duty. Both games are very refreshing for the players?

The spots finally arrive

The much-anticipated Cyberpunk 2077 has finally arrived. Earlier this year, there was already talk that the game would get a patch, but that was back then Delayed. And now – after about a month – the patch is ready for use. And what a patch people have become! JJ shows the length of the list of edits. If all worked, a lot of things are now straightened. Something was about to time after a heavy launch. Daan and JJ will discuss with you in detail what will be fixed in this patch. Plus the question of whether the game is now available in the PS Store again.

Call of Duty and Storage will remain a thing

Call of Duty Rescue introduces some issues. Whatever you run or manage, the game is huge. With the hard disk space provided by the mid-range console, it is no longer possible to save other games besides the last two Call of Duty games. Thankfully, there is now positive news about Call of Duty and storage space. After shooting the guns earlier this week ModifiedActivision will work with the size of the game this time. We explain exactly what they will do in this video. Daan and JJ have listed all the extra features and outputs for you! Is that all you can expect? No! The two men go thanks this site Also looking for the most famous Pokemon in the Netherlands!

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