Carlo and Irene shed a tear on Jenk |  stars

Carlo and Irene shed a tear on Jenk | stars

Moores says he’s been playing with the idea of ​​quitting for a while. “The question is always how long will it keep fun? I’ve been through this many times in my career: in Telekids, in Life & Cooking and Life4You and always decided to stop together. But now I thought: Carlo can’t finish it yet.”

When last season De TV Kantine evolved into a show with several guest actors, Moors knew she could let go. “I didn’t tell them and really waited for it to air. Nobody knows. It was really my thing. Now I have to cry a little bit. Because then I had to go to Carlo and he had no idea what I was doing and then he told me. That’s how it goes. things out,” Moores said, after which Bouchard got emotional, too.

“It’s not complicated at all, but it’s just beautiful. It was so good, it’s done. I want to do a thousand things with Carlo, I don’t care what. But I’m done with wigs, suits, and squeezing. I’m a broadcaster. And the actress was there. But I still prefer the presentation.” what I feel “.

Bushhard is reconciled with Moores’ decision. The announcer says De TV Kantine will not be returning for the time being. “I’ll pick that up later. I think there are now too many genres, and they all fail, which I don’t like. Everyone has already been imitated. You really have to give it another spin.”

According to Boshard, he and Moores will one day make a show like Telekids or Life & Cooking together. „I’ll do whatever we can do again and that’s what Carlo and Irene look like, it’s just the two of us, at a table, without otokes and with people. I think we can do something that a lot of people might not be able to do. We just need to allocate an appropriate amount of time for us.”

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