Blizzard Entertainment is now under investigation by SEC

Blizzard Entertainment is now under investigation by SEC

Game company Blizzard Entertainment is also now under investigation by the SEC, a US government agency that oversees stock exchanges in the US and advocates for shareholder rights. CEO Bobby Kotik must also be held accountable.

In July, it was announced that the state of California had launched an investigation into Blizzard Entertainment’s serious sexual harassment of women in the workplace. This caused a lot of protests and employees of the game company filed a lawsuit against Blizzard in September. Now the developer is also under investigation by the SEC. In particular, the Securities and Exchange Commission wants to investigate whether Blizzard Entertainment is being fair to shareholders about the consequences of lawsuits within the company. If not, investors can get compensation for it. According to the Wall Street Journal, Blizzard Entertainment is currently working on a settlement with the SEC.


It remains to be seen whether a settlement will be reached between the two parties.

About the author

Julian Moritz

Julian Moritz
Julien may have cute eyes, but beneath that cute coat is an unprecedented new bull. This lady knows a thing or two about everything and doesn’t hesitate for a moment to offer her opinion on a silver platter. TV, movies, games, series or even talk shows, Julian knows literally everything. No no, really everything! Don’t you believe us? Put it to the test!

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