At a glance the wealth of wealthy families in America

At a glance the wealth of wealthy families in America

Foyetteville, R June 1 Alice Walton, daughter of Walmart founder Sam Walton, is waiting on stage during the annual Walmart Partners Meeting event on June 1, 2018. In Fayetteville, Arkansas Partners Week invites thousands of shareholders and associates from around the world to meet the company's global leadership.

Rick D. WilkingGetty Images

Ah, Canadian calculators Visual Capitalist We have put together another masterpiece that gives an insight into the wealth of fifty wealthy families in America. Front tight straps Exciting sky Size.

We start slowly. The roof over the quote’s own head belongs to the Hearst family, who ranks 11th with a net worth of $ 21 billion. Wealth does not go upwards; Hearst has lost $ 7 billion in the last five years, but your sleek profits of becoming a rich magazine would not be wrong.

There are also notable omissions: the Vanderbilts, and the Ford and Astor families have dropped out of the top 50. In 1916 John d. The Rockefellers, who provided the first American billionaire with Rockefeller, are now ranked 43rd with a net worth of $ 8.4 billion.

Come for really bad money. The first three places are covered by the Mars family ($ 94 billion), led by the Walton family, the founders of Walmart and the $ 247 billion owners. That wealth goes up: Walton earned an additional $ 25 billion last year. If you want to reduce it to a more manageable image; That’s 3 million For an hour. The only positive note we can add to this list in terms of diversity is that the wealthy Walton member is a woman; According to Alice Walton, who Forbes .1 64.1 billion family assets.

Koch ($ 100 billion), who tops the list, proves that a lot of money can create crazy offspring as well. Enjoy the t-shirt of Viat Koch (from 1.09 min) who was severely affected by the corona; ‘Discotaca’ is the place where his colored shirts should fly. Oh, Things that money cannot buy.

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