A step-by-step plan to conquer England is partially leaked

A step-by-step plan to conquer England is partially leaked

Based on the development of the Coronavirus, the British government is working on a gradual plan to open up English society. Some of it has already been leaked. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, for example, wants all schools to reopen from March 8. Since then, the government has wanted to allow limited visits to nursing homes. And it is According to British media From that date they were allowed to group in pairs abroad. Johnson is expected to announce the entire plan later on Monday.

The first relaxation in England should take place on March 8th, after which there will be “a few weeks” before school and leisure sports continue abroad. Six friends or two families are allowed to gather outside around Easter. Sports such as tennis and basketball can be resumed at the end of March. In any case, the UK’s hospitality industry will remain closed until at least April.

In mid-April, the government will determine whether “non-essential” warehouses can be reopened, based on pollution figures and the progress of the vaccination campaign. After a month, sports and music events may again be accepted by the public – provided that the results of the visitor’s test are negative.

The United Kingdom was hit hard at the start of the year by the emergence of a more contagious mutation of the Coronavirus. As a result, the hospitals became full and the government decided to close them drastically. It now appears that the virus is under better control. On Sunday, more than 9,800 new infections were added, but that was down by more than 1,100 from the previous week. The number of daily infections has decreased for some time.

See also  Nurses in the UK to lay off jobs in December | outside

Correction (February 22, 2021): A previous version of this article stated that she was allowed to meet with two more people as of March 8. that’s wrong. In total, two people are allowed to meet. I also mentioned that this plan is for the whole of the UK. this is not true; It is a “road map” for England. Both errors were corrected in the above version.

This article is also part of our live blog: Koninklijke Horeca Nederland goes to court to reopen

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