You shouldn't miss these three American sports documentaries |  Other sports

You shouldn't miss these three American sports documentaries | Other sports

Dennis Rodman, you say: tattoos, piercings, colored hair, Madonna, Carmen Electra, or more recently North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un's “best friend.” Oh yeah, the most unusual basketball player of all time has won five NBA titles and is considered by many to be one of the best defenders and rebounders of all time. You'll get to see it all and it's great entertainment, but what will probably stick with you the most is the first part of the 1 hour and 45 minute documentary. The road to fame eventually self-destructs because he can't handle it. How Rodman has a tough childhood, received almost no education, continues to act like a kid in his 20s, is constantly bullied and doesn't think about basketball at all. Not surprising, since he only had a 1.80 as a high school student.

A growth spurt at the age of eighteen suddenly made him a towering man two meters tall. The first condition to become an outstanding basketball player has been met. He gets discovered, goes to play at a small college in Oklahoma, becomes friends with a 12-year-old white boy nearly twice his age, and then casually asks if he can live permanently with his redneck family. Because Rodman has no idea about delicate race relations. Sometimes he produces bits that are both funny and heartwarming, in a documentary where Rodman himself also comes up with plenty of strange anecdotes. Curly eyebrows guaranteed.

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