A “friend” cheats on her family at a French funeral and steals jewelry from an open coffin |  Abroad

A “friend” cheats on her family at a French funeral and steals jewelry from an open coffin | Abroad

Appearing at an uninvited funeral, pretending to be a good friend with crocodile tears, then quickly stealing jewelry from an open casket when no one is looking. A town in northern France is fascinated by an elderly woman who went to extremes to hit her path last week.

The facts date from last Tuesday. On that day, relatives gathered at a funeral home in Levin to say goodbye to their loved ones. A woman unknown to them later walked in and introduced herself as a close friend of the deceased. The family took her word for the woman and left her alone for some time so that she could properly say goodbye to her friend.

After a few minutes, the relatives returned to the room and saw that the so-called girlfriend of the northern sun had left. They were shocked when they saw various jewelry and jewelry stolen from the coffin, including a necklace, ring and earrings, from the deceased. The family immediately raised the alarm with the police and began searching for the fraudster themselves.


Soon, officers found a possible suspect in the immediate vicinity. It was a woman in her sixties who lived near the funeral home. In her clothes they found stolen jewelry and a pile of the last obituary.

These messages contained codes by which relatives and friends could access rooms outside of funeral home opening hours. They also found a wallet stolen from the back pocket of a deceased man from the same funeral home earlier in the day.

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French police assume that the woman carefully selected the robberies and their potential victims. Her hands were immediately tied. She is now free again. She is free to await her trial scheduled for April 2022. She may face imprisonment. The stolen jewelry has since been handed over to the family.

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