Belgian teacher bites woman’s finger during bar brawl: Prosecutor demands 100 hours of community service |  Abroad

Belgian teacher bites woman’s finger during bar brawl: Prosecutor demands 100 hours of community service | Abroad

The bite was so severe that the woman had to undergo emergency surgery, according to her lawyer, and she is still experiencing discomfort two years later. The teacher’s defense argued that the man was “accidentally bitten at most,” and that the consequences were “much less serious.”

The fight took place on March 27, 2019, in a cafe in the town of Marshtim, where the victim was present with a group of friends. One of her friends got into a fight with JH for an unclear reason, who was also out with a group of friends.

It got into an argument, as JH and his opponent ended up on the floor. The victim tried to separate the palms, but JH could have bitten the index finger hard.

“The finger tendons and muscles were injured and my client had an infection that required emergency surgery,” the victim’s lawyer said. “Two years later, she still can’t use that finger, so she’s still helpless.”


According to the prosecutor’s office, there were enough witnesses to confirm the case and there could be no accidental bite. However, the defense requests acquittal.

“There are many witnesses who said they didn’t see that sting,” she said. “If she was actually bitten, it may have been unintentional. In addition, the victim herself stated to the police that she had only been unable to work for three months.”

Sentencing has been set for November 30.

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