The Spirit of John Muir • pilot & the cloth for the plane falls

The Spirit of John Muir • pilot & the cloth for the plane falls

Sacramento – Global Supertanker Services will immediately transform its firefighting operations into a Boeing 747-400 Spirit of John Muir fire aircraft.

According to the owner, the device cannot be used on a commercially liable basis under current conditions. That’s why the plug was pulled from the project, the staff was fired and the plane was put up for sale.

At the end of July 2017, the company received approval from the American Interactive Aeronautical Board (IAP) to fight wildfires in the United States with The Spirit of John Muir. Forest Service (USFS). However, the organization only had contracts for aircraft with a maximum burning capacity of 18,900 L.

However, The Spirit of John Muir, which was converted to a Boeing 747-400 firefighting aircraft, could drop 72,000 liters of water and firefighting liquids in a single run. U.S. regulations for that have not yet been provided.

Due to its high travel speed (> 950 km / h), the aircraft can reach every fire station in the United States within 4.5 hours and can be used anywhere in the world within twenty hours.

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