The wreckage of the missing plane was found after 53 years  RTL News

The wreckage of the missing plane was found after 53 years RTL News

Experts are almost certain that the wreckage of a private plane has finally been found after 53 years. The plane disappeared on a snowy night in Vermont in 1971 and was found last month in Lake Champlain.

The private plane disappeared shortly after leaving Burlington Airport for Providence, Rhode Island, on January 27, 1971. On board were two crew members and three employees of a Georgia development company working on a development project in Burlington.

The first search soon followed, but no wreckage was found. The lake froze four days after the plane disappeared, so new searches became difficult soon after the disappearance. Only when the ice melted in the spring of 1971 could the search continue and wreckage was found near the lake. The wreckage of the plane remained missing at that time.

At least seventeen other searches have been conducted over the years.

In 2014, underwater explorer Gary Kozak and his team conducted a sonar search, which led them to another plane wreck. Last month, they re-examined their images and discovered another ghost plane sixty meters below the lake.

This shadow looks exactly like the wreckage of the private plane that disappeared 53 years ago. “With all this evidence, we are absolutely 99% sure,” Kozak said Monday.

The son of one of the plane’s passengers described Kozak as a hero for his dedication to finding the plane.

He. She National Transportation Safety Board He is now investigating whether this is indeed the missing private plane. They do not perform rescue operations.

Whether there are any tangible remains of the occupants remains to be determined. Relatives of the victims plan to hold a memorial service after they learned the location of the plane.

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