Three women in the United States contracted HIV from contaminated needles during the “vampire face” |  RTL News

Three women in the United States contracted HIV from contaminated needles during the “vampire face” | RTL News

At least three women in the United States have contracted HIV through the use of contaminated needles during cosmetic treatment. This is the first time that it has been officially proven that the disease was transmitted in this way, although there were already suspicions.

This happened at a clinic in New Mexico in 2018. The study stated that the clinic performed the treatments without a license.

Vampire face

Center for Disease Control, US Center for Disease Control and Prevention, I searched the clinic It is concluded that single-use materials have been reused.

The women were said to have what was called a “vampire face.” This is a BDM treatment to remove superficial wrinkles or other small blemishes in the skin.

The search took a long time

HIV infection due to unsterile treatments is a known risk, but previous infections have not yet been formally diagnosed.

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The clinic was closed in 2018 after suspected infection. Then it took a long time before the investigation was completed. According to researchers, this is partly due to a lack of documentation of treatments.

The previous owner received 3.5 years in prison

The previous owner of the company had previously pleaded guilty in court to conducting treatments without a licence. I got 3.5 years in prison for that.

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