When does friendship end?

When does friendship end?

Maud is busy working on her vision board for 2024. She's not making good decisions, even though she doesn't want to drink alcohol for the next two months. Next year, of course, her focus is on the wedding, a big trip with Liam and Gio, and work. Meanwhile, she is also trying to end her friendship with Rochella.

The first two weeks of January are over, but it still feels like January 1st. The days are gray and grey, and I suffer from a little winter blues. I've seen the first Easter eggs in stores and can't wait until spring. My body needs vitamin D.

Gio and I are very busy at work, so we don't have time to cook healthy meals in the evening. It's not that I necessarily want to lose weight, but I want to feel fitter. Especially in light of our wedding and of course I'll be trying on the wedding dress at the end of the month! That's why I took up running again, or well, I tried. But as temperatures have risen in Siberia in recent weeks, not much has happened.

Do not complain

In fact, I can't complain at all, because in a month and a half, I'll probably go on a mini vacation! Kimberly and I were asked if we'd like to go on a reporting trip to Austria for a story. It's not quite certain yet, but in the meantime I've already put a fair number of ski jackets into my online shopping cart. Gio was a little disappointed that he couldn't attend, but the editors wanted two reporters to go. This will be my first press trip since giving birth and I'm secretly looking forward to it.

Meanwhile, I still have a mountain of interviews and articles to do, and I've lost my motivation a little. I spend way too many hours on Instagram and get irritated by all those sunny vacation photos. It seems like my entire schedule is on vacation! Bart wished me a happy new year via Instagram, but I never responded and since then it's been quiet on his part. Thank God.

Meanwhile, I hadn't figured out how to end my friendship with Rochella. I've done some Googling about “ending a friendship”, but it still doesn't work for me. Rocella has already called three times and sent a video with Liam and Isabella's New Year's wish. The stupid thing is that this video made me question if I really wanted to end the friendship. Maybe stupid, but I suddenly realized that I would never see Liam and Isabella anymore.

Gio says I should just call Rochella back and not make things more complicated than they are now. “You can just explain it. Just say that friendship is no longer proportional.” Every now and then I feel jealous of Geo, he can express things so easily and directly.

dont hurt

I don't want to hurt Rochella, but at the same time I want to be honest with her. I think our friendship is unequal and I'm concerned about her behavior. While running I came to an insight. I can't let her die completely, but I will explain how I see our friendship. Then it's up to her whether she wants to change something.

After I get out of the shower, I immediately start emailing Rochella. I simply express my words better on paper. I am busy writing and while writing the irritation rises again. I don't understand why you cause such a mess over and over again. As I was about to finish my letter, the doorbell rang. I ran downstairs, a little upset, and was startled to see who was at the door…

Maude (24 years old) loves parties and travelling. She works in the editorial office of a magazine. Maude is in a relationship with Gio and has just given birth to their son, Liam. You can read about her adventures every week in a new episode of Maud's Night Book.

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