How are things in the United States?  Vulnerable groups affected by the corona crisis |  Now

How are things in the United States? Vulnerable groups affected by the corona crisis | Now

The corona crisis in the United States has severely affected economically and socially among vulnerable Americans. He says 75 million people lost their jobs last year Human Rights Watch (HRW). Meanwhile, the country is compromising between national and local activities.

Through the U.S. Recovery Program, President Joe Biden wants to release $ 1.9 trillion (1.5 1.58 trillion) to the poorest parts of the American people. The U.S. Senate is currently considering this contingency plan, which pays 4,400 directly to most Americans. Extra money is available for the vaccination program and local authorities.

The victims of Corona’s economic and social consequences are particularly poor and vulnerable Americans. HRW shows the growing gap between rich and poor based on government data.

Among households earning less than $ 35,000 a year, a quarter say they have not had enough food at home in the past week. Among households earning more than $ 75,000, this percentage is 4 percent. Of the 75 million workers who lost their jobs last year, most earned less than average. Women and minorities are over-represented in this group.

HRW urges borrowers not to cut off basic needs such as water, electricity and gas. The organization also recommends the introduction of a permanent minimum wage of $ 15 per hour.

Vice President Kamala Harris at the discussion on the US recovery plan.

Vice President Kamala Harris at the discussion on the US recovery plan.

Vice President Kamala Harris at the discussion on the US recovery plan.

Local activities and scarcity

Local governments are facing budget deficits as tax revenues fall and health care costs rise. Nineteen states, such as Georgia, which cut $ 1 billion in public education, had to make cuts by 2020.

Federal states often determine their own corona activities. Texas, for example, abolished the mandatory mask on Tuesday, and infection figures there have risen 7 percent in the past fourteen days. Restaurants and churches have reopened in several US states. Mississippi also recently removed corona controls, while the biggest increase in infections here. The question is whether the U.S. vaccination program is moving fast enough to prevent a fourth wave.

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