Tim Walls’ ‘Surprising Choice’ Companion: Progressive and Authentic

Tim Walls’ ‘Surprising Choice’ Companion: Progressive and Authentic

International6 Aug ’24 at 16:47Teacher: Mirth Koopman

Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris has ‘surprised’ her choice of Tim Walz as her running mate. Says American journalist John Postma. His rival Josh Shapiro has been consistently voted the top contender, and Walls has only played seriously in recent days. ‘So it’s a surprising choice.’

‘Dark horse’ Tim Walls a ‘surprising choice’ for Democratic running mate

According to Postma, the fact that Walls has now been selected as running mate is due to a campaign by Democrats both internally and in the media. “That campaign worked well,” concludes the American reporter. The other candidate, Pennsylvania Governor Joe Shapiro, therefore bites the dust.

Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris has 'surprised' her choice of Tim Walz as her running mate. Says American journalist John Postma.
Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris has ‘surprised’ her choice of Tim Walz as her running mate. Says American journalist John Postma. (ANP/AFP)

Harris explains his vice presidential candidacy at a campaign rally in Philadelphia, where Shapiro is governor. However, Postma says there’s no guarantee Shapiro will be appointed anyway. ‘A running mate is almost impossible to provide in the home state. Additionally, Pennsylvania is an important swing state, which is why the location was on the list for the campaign rally.’

Progressive Governor

Wallace is the governor of the state of Minnesota. As a very progressive governor, he accomplished a lot there and in many cases even managed to win the support of conservative Republicans. For example, he succeeded in making mid-day meals free in schools across the state.

“He comes to a press conference in a cap and T-shirt.”

John Postma, American Correspondent

“He’s also very enthusiastic and genuine,” says Postma. ‘He wears a cap and T-shirt to the press conference. To some it may seem like an act, but to him you believe it immediately. So Walls looks like somebody MidwestAnd that’s especially important for Democrats hoping to get the voters they need behind them. With Walls, Democrats are trying to appease moderate Republicans in that area.

‘Far Left’ and ‘Second Harris’

Walls is a good communicator. He previously mentioned the plans of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.Different‘, it turned into a bull’s eye. ‘It was a very simple, almost easy attack. But it stuck and went viral, while many other attacks immediately hit Trump.

According to Postma, negative reactions from Republicans mounted shortly after the announcement. Republicans call Wallis the ‘far left’ and ‘the second Harris’. That’s a big difference from how people reacted when Biden resigned and Harris accepted the presidential nomination. Then the Republicans were stunned. Now all the points of criticism are already identified and the attacks are flying in your ears.

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