First hurdle cleared: Nikita is in America

First hurdle cleared: Nikita is in America

This week’s cake was received this time by some team members of Nikita’s Want to Live Again foundation. The foundation has recently raised the necessary funds for the treatment of Nikita Heuvelman (20) in the United States.

Earlier this month, Nikita traveled to America with some family members for the first trial. However, the journey was difficult for the resident of Zuidwolde and the first exams were very difficult and painful. It was very painful to lose consciousness several times. Continuity of exams has been postponed due to complications. Doctors hope that Nikita will be strong enough to undergo further scans this week.

Nikita has two complex congenital disorders with a progressive course that make her cervical spine unstable. “His upper cervical vertebrae are unstable, which puts pressure on the brain stem with all its consequences,” his mother, Brenda, previously told this newspaper. Mother Brenda, a board member of the foundation, is with her daughter in a US hospital. Board member Gera Bhatt is also missing from the photo.

Once all the studies are completed, doctors can prescribe a possible follow-up procedure. “Nikita is very vulnerable now,” says board member Simone Moss and Nikita’s daughter-in-law. “But we’re very happy that she’s where she needs to be now. The first hurdle has been cleared.

The board members not only ate the cake themselves, but shared it with friends at the annual fair in Elim to raise money for the foundation. “They have raised over a thousand euros. Great.”

Because even if the goal of 180,000 euros for the life-saving operation has been reached, the board members take into account the additional costs of additional treatments and, as a result, longer stays in the United States. Additionally, due to the changed exchange rate, this amount does not cover the cost of surgery. “It’s really mind-blowing,” says Simone Moss.

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On the Facebook page Nikita wants to live again, you can follow how Nikita’s investigations and countless activities unfold.

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