Victims of The Voice: “The Cabinet, they reached an independent investigation” |  show

Victims of The Voice: “The Cabinet, they reached an independent investigation” | show

Attorney Sebas Dijkstra wants Mariette Hammer to urge the Cabinet to conduct an independent and impartial investigation into the surrounding abuses Holland sound† This attorney representing a number of victims stated this in a letter to the government’s new Commissioner for Sexual Aggressive Behaviour.

“Only with proper research can true justice be achieved for the victims,” ​​Dijkstra told the National Ports Agency. The lawyer fears that the additional reluctance to address the violations will eventually lead to an annulment. “If we don’t act now, we are losing momentum to drive the change needed to break through the culture that leads to sexual offending behaviour,” Dijkstra said. “If you, as a government, are not doing anything now, you cannot say later with dry eyes that you have done everything in your power.”

Hummer began operating at the beginning of April. to The new government commissioner The government wants, in its own words, to “create awareness and change the culture, because intimidation and abuse are unacceptable.” The Commissioner may, upon request or without a request, advise the Cabinet on measures necessary to combat inappropriate sexual behaviour.

Hammer’s appointment came after violations were revealed in the RTL program Holland Voice. Dozens of victims spoke in and around the country Angry . Radio by Tim Hoffman. There are now several complaints against Ali B, the orchestra leader Jeroen Ritterbergen and program director.

As it is known, the ITV producer is conducting an investigation By the law firm of Van Doorne†Djkstra was previously critical of this because there can be no question of an independent investigation by a client-paying law firm. Van Dorn is by definition a biased defender. The lawyer, who has already advocated for an independent commission, said, without limitation, whether the fact-finding is actually taking place is questionable and this only leads to more mistrust among the victims. In this way, we contribute to providing as realistic and objective reports as possible about what exactly is the sound It happened.”

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Sebas Dijkstra.

Sebas Dijkstra. © ANP

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