Victoria and Daniel visit the University Cultural Center
Swedish Crown Prince Victoria and her husband, Prince Daniel, visited the Accelerator Gallery. It is part of Stockholm University. The objective of the Science Art Gallery is to integrate art, science and social issues in order to find solutions to contemporary social challenges.
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Members of the royal family were exhibited by Artistic Director Richard Jolin, Professor of Art History Morten Snicker and Director and Director of Communications Tove Nelson. Learn about the Accelerator’s background, purpose, history, and connection to contemporary history and research, Daniel and Victoria. After this introduction, the couple had the opportunity to visit the Experimentalfältette gallery.
Experimentalfältette, meaning experimental terrain, was the name of a scientific agricultural project at the beginning of the 19th century, now over 200 years ago. The experiments were conducted in Frescati Park, just outside Stockholm. The goal was to modernize Swedish agriculture.
Eight contemporary artists are now experimenting with housing, agriculture, and community building. According to Accelerator, the big challenges of the future.
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