US actors Ben Stiller and Sean Penn may never enter Russia again |  Currently

US actors Ben Stiller and Sean Penn may never enter Russia again | Currently

On Monday, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced that actors Sean Penn and Ben Stiller are no longer allowed to enter Russia. The two actors are on a new list of 25 Americans who will be barred from entering the country.

The ministry said the move came as a result of “increasing” sanctions imposed by the United States on Russia.

It was a “permanent ban,” the statement said. Stiller and Ben made it clear that they support Ukraine. For example, Stiller visited Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, whom he called his “hero”. Ben filmed a documentary in Ukraine about the Russian invasion.

The list includes not only people from the cultural sector, but also politicians and directors. Also on the list is Danielle B.

Penn, Stiller and 23 other people have been added to a longer list that now includes a total of 1,073 Americans who are banned from visiting the country.

Sean Penn near the front line in Ukraine.

Sean Penn near the front line in Ukraine.

Sean Penn near the front line in Ukraine.

picture: AP

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