The Vikings set foot in the United States 1000 years ago

The Vikings set foot in the United States 1000 years ago

It is already known that the Normans arrived on the American continent before Columbus. But we now know exactly when.

Although Christopher Columbus appears in the books as the discoverer of America, that honor actually belongs to the Vikings. It is known that they sailed to North America many centuries ago. Exactly when? It was vague. Until now. This is because an international team of researchers, including scientists from the University of Cronington, was able to set a more precise date.

More about the Vikings
The word ‘Viking’ comes from the Scandinavian word ‘Viking’, which means ‘pirate’. This includes people who have lived in southern Norway, Denmark and Sweden. The so-called Viking Age generally refers to the period from 800 to 1050 AD. The Vikings significantly changed the political and genetic course of Europe and beyond. Connaught the Great – considered one of the greatest Viking leaders – King of England, Leaf Eriksen is said to have been the first European to reach North America and Olaf Triquason to bring Christianity to Norway. Many voyages struck monasteries and cities in European coastal settlements. But the trade in commodities such as fur, ivory and seal fat was often the most practical target.

We know that the Vikings, often brutally portrayed, traveled great distances with their iconic ships. In the west, they established settlements in Iceland and Greenland, eventually reaching L’Anse aux Meadows, north of the Canadian island of Newfoundland.

Icelandic mythology
However, until recently it was not clear when they first crossed the Atlantic Ocean. Early dates for the existence of Vikings in North America were mainly based on Icelandic sagas. However, these began as oral stories and were not written centuries after the events told in them occurred. So the times mentioned in these stories are very controversial.

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In A new study The researchers examined three pieces of wood from different trees, which must have been cut down by the Vikings at the same time. Each piece of wood had clear cut marks and showed signs of being cut by iron knives; A substance not produced by the tribal people.

Here is an examined piece of wood found under the microscope. Image: Croningen University

The researchers also observed growth rings and radiation features left over from a solar storm in 992. As a result, researchers were able to determine the exact year the Vikings were in North America.

Results show that by 1021 the Normans had already roamed the American continent. It’s interesting because it was exactly 1000 years ago. In addition, 1492 was the earliest (and only) known year on the American continent by Europeans before the arrival of Columbus. This year also marks the decisive moment of crossing the Atlantic Ocean and the first time humans have crossed. Traveled across the planet.

Viking trips
Unfortunately, we still do not know how many Viking voyages to the American continent took place and how long they stayed. However, there are signs that all of this will not last long. The cultural and environmental heritage of these first European pioneers in North America may have been very small. Botanical evidence from L’Anse aux Meadows suggests that the Vikings invaded areas south of Newfoundland.

However, we now know that the Europeans who first set foot on the American shores were already in 1021. The rest should be further investigated. For example, according to Icelandic stories, encounters between Vikings and Native peoples were sometimes violent and sometimes friendly. However, little archaeological evidence of these exchanges has been found. There are also medieval stories that indicate that key figures in the European landscape knew that the Vikings had landed on the other side of the Atlantic. Will we ever find out about it? Time will tell.

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