The United States pays up to $ 10 million for gold tips on cyber attacks with Bitcoin

The United States pays up to $ 10 million for gold tips on cyber attacks with Bitcoin

There is a specialized department in the United States that deals with rewards for valuable information. The Rewards for Justice program is looking for a golden hint of recent cyber attacks.

In recent years, the United States Pain (Successful) by digital attacks. Those behind rogue software often seek redemption in Bitcoin (PTC).

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The highest example is the ransomware attack on the colonial pipeline. The company was shut down by rogue software, and eventually the ransom was paid to BTC. The FBI has since recovered some of the stolen funds.

Gold tips

If you have information about the parties behind the attacks, you can count on a good reward. This is especially true of the golden tip about identities or locations for everyone involved in these attacks.

The reward can be up to 10 million million and can be paid in part in cryptocurrencies. You can share information through a website set up in the ‘dark web’, the site was built with TOR in mind. In this way, the government trusts to protect any witnesses or other persons with information.

After all, you don’t want to make yourself a target when you want to share information about it.

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