The radioman who told America the right thinking

The radioman who told America the right thinking

If that salted potato wholesaler had been paid even more in 1983, things in American political history might have been completely different. Rush Limbaugh may have given up his progressing career as a disc jockey. But the salary of a marketing director is not enough for him.

Instead, Limbaugh made one more attempt, with a political talk show, first in Kansas City and then in Sacramento. There he discovered the golden formula: the angry, conservative speaker. He called out to listeners, but explained for hours that mainly ordinary, right-thinking Americans are misunderstood, oppressed, and leftists are destroying the country. He said what right-wing America thinks, but was afraid to say, was able to retain millions of viewers for decades.

Familiar story

He gave a boost to the Republican Party. Following his election victory in 1994, Limbaugh was elected a member of the House of Representatives in the House of Representatives.

When Donald Trump began campaigning for the presidency in 2015, Republicans who came to his meetings or saw him on television heard a familiar tone and familiar story. The presidential candidate explained the reasons for being angry or happy against you, as if he were standing at the bar with you. Limbaugh saw the shock of the mainstream media about Trump, from discussing the principles of his thin hidden racism to conspiracy theories. A whole wave of other radio speakers followed in his footsteps, not to mention the television channel Fox News.

President Ronald Reagan was a key contributor to the rapid growth of the conservative media. In 1987 he repealed the principle of fairness, the rule that radio stations should always express different views on political matters. Limbaugh, who worked for three years in Sacramento, declared himself a “liberator.”

Shocked by the deep disgust

In 1988 the ABC Network offered him a nationwide program Rush Limbaugh Show. He moved to New York. There he was expected to be included in circles of serious media characters he admired. But with the exception of a few conservative intellectuals, the elite he wanted to beat so badly on his radio shows did not like him.

“I was shocked by the deep hatred,” he said The New York Times. “No one hated me where I grew up. No one in Kansas hates me. Even in the left-wing city of Sacramento no one hated me. ”

He moved to Florida, where he broadcast from a small office, but lived in an enormous home with furniture mentioned in one of the places he admired: a library like Rich Vanderbilts is in their North Carolina home and a drawing room reminiscent of a palace in Versailles.

Extreme cigar smoker

In Florida, he continued to do what he wanted: especially with his 15 million listeners. He did this even when he was completely deaf for a while, first a stenographer and then implants. Severe cigar smoker was later diagnosed with terminal lung cancer.

Spoke Jan. 20. On the first day of Joe Biden’s presidency, he assured his audience that his election victory was “bustling and therefore not legally won.” He passed away this week at the age of 70.

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The most dangerous man in America is what his left-wing enemies call him. No, rush crows loudly through limbo ether, I am the most dangerous man in the world. America’s most popular radio presenter and right-wing mouthpiece goes to war against everything dirty and wrong.

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