The player makes an adapter to use the PlayStation 5 console with one hand – Games – Geeks

A player has put together an adapter that allows controlling the PlayStation 5’s DualSense controller with just one hand. All parts are 3D printed and the design has been shared online.

the design Created by Akaki KumiriDesigned for right-hand control. Since the controller has a symmetrical design, the parts just need to be printed reversed to make the switch suitable for left-handers. In addition to the printable components, a number of additional parts, such as plastic wires and rubber bands, are needed to keep everything together.

For right-handed use, the accessory must be placed on the left stick, which can then be used by moving the entire controller. At the bottom of the adapter there is a rubber platform that must be fixed to the surface. By moving the console, the plateau moves and with it the left stick. According to the designer, the wrist is not loaded with this accessory, because the console is always on the surface.

As part of the switch, the L1 and L2 buttons were moved to the right side, next to the R1 and R2 buttons. This makes it possible to press both L1 and R1 with the index finger, or L2 and R2, although this requires some skill.

If the four-point push button must be used, an additional accessory can be placed on top of the adapter. This device, which looks like an Allen key, can be clicked in the middle of the console. Pressing one of the four blue square “buttons” on the right side will press the corresponding direction on the four-point pushbutton. Since the additional accessory makes the console very cumbersome, the designer recommends using it only when necessary.

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The manufacturer decided to use only plastic, and therefore no electrical components in its accessory, to make it as accessible as possible. The creator designed this addon as an entry for match To make the best one-handed console. He has already made In a similar way already a joystick extension for DualShock 4.

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