The great fires that raged in Tafelberg turned part of the unique university collection to ashes

The great fires that raged in Tafelberg turned part of the unique university collection to ashes

The fire brigade deployed helicopters to fight the fire. Local authorities say at least one firefighter suffered burns and was taken to hospital. “I saw four helicopters loaded with large bags of water circling over the city at the same time,” says Vermeulen.

The fire broke out early this morning near a memorial site for the British colonial politician and Cape Colony Prime Minister Cecil Rhodes at the Summit of Demons. This is close to where the university is. Then the flames quickly spread over the slopes of the famous mountain.

An exceptionally hot day

Vermeulen says he’s amazed at how quickly the flames spread. “It was a very hot day today. Fires often happen on hot days.” He couldn’t say anything about an issue yet.

Smoke can be seen for miles around. Some roads were closed and hikers in the mountains received firefighters’ warnings. In addition to all students, all University of Cape Town employees have also been evacuated.

Jeremy Stewart lives near a fire. He ended up on the wrong side of the fire on his way home. Stewart came home safely, but it wasn’t easy:

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