Seeing colors is more complex than you think

“Tell me, what color is this?” The question is usually accompanied by a finger pointing at an object with a clear main color. I already served him with great sadness. I live my life as a color-blind person, while I, like about 10 percent of men and 1 percent of women, see certain colors of lower quality.

For those who successfully completed the color-point test in their youth, people with daltonism often remain a source of curiosity. Each time I explain that it’s about shadows and not about complete color blindness, that no one ever sees the same thing, and that it’s not that bad in everyday life. If you’re stripping off collections of insults and related occupations as a pilot or a train driver.

in the new eos Cognitive psychologist Durk Talsma explains that most people experience the same colors, but cannot measure them exactly. Color vision is actually more complex than you think. The brain not only registers and processes the colors entering through the eye, but also makes permanent predictions of what the environment should look like. Our senses are mainly occupied in correcting those predictions.

In addition, our brain suffers from unusual combinations, because some things are closely related to a certain color. We are so attached to the idea that bananas are yellow that test subjects color them blue – the color of the opponent – on black and white photos.

Color blindness is an aberration, but there are also people who see more colors than average, or can see finer shades. It is not entirely certain whether this will benefit them and provide an evolutionary stepping stone for a future generation that can perceive more colour. We should be more concerned about diminishing visual abilities.

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Myopia is called the disease of the twenty-first century. This is mainly due to the increased use of the screen among young people. But eyesight also deteriorates in older generations. A recent British study of more than 100,000 people between the ages of 40 and 69 showed that younger age groups had more myopia. The reasons are multiple and related to the changing lifestyle. For example, the general level of education went up, and studying longer meant more and more with one’s nose in books or in front of a screen.

We focus too much on what we see, and give our other senses less freedom. Also in nature, where sensory stimuli come from everywhere. Our editor Kim experienced this firsthand when he followed a visually impaired trial trail on Calmthotsi Hyde, wearing matching eyeglasses. “It’s a misconception that blind people can hear or smell better,” says guide Eddy. “I’m just making better use of my other senses.”

A plea to enjoy more with all of your senses.

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