Section Albert Court: America did not appear to be the ‘promised land’ for all Pealanders

Section Albert Court: America did not appear to be the ‘promised land’ for all Pealanders

Door: Albert card


America was heaven on earth, with full-page advertisements for shipping companies that made a lot of money by ferrying immigrants. A country where you can escape from poverty and become a millionaire in no time. However, this is only for a few and certainly not for those who have been to South America. After a few families were murdered and some children abducted, the immigrants from Yercek soon left Argentina. They soon decided to flee to North America to find a safe place there. They ended up on Long Island near New York, where they started oyster farms along with immigrants from the Brunises.

Since many villagers had decided too lightly in the past to build a long crosswalk in the eyes of the municipal council, Mayor Yersek decided to invite speakers who could speak from their own experience about staying in the United States. Farmer A. Kuypers is like that. When he arrived in Yerske in August 1897, the village was very interested in what the man had to say. As an impoverished farm laborer, Kuypers immigrated to the United States, where he traveled over three thousand kilometers in a short time and began working as a farmer in the Dakotas. However, there he warned many of his listeners, life was very difficult. You had to work very hard, the soil was barren and the earning was small. No, Arkansas, you better go there. Kuipers: “You could get a lot of wooded land near the railroad for free. You could sell the wood right away, even in logs. The soil was great. You could grow anything on it: wheat, rice, and even cotton. According to him, it was even better to be in Texas, where there were fewer people and the weather was better. sweet

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Inspirational words from a man who was lucky and was able to enjoy his retirement at the age of 65! To convince his listeners, his daughter had brought brochures with all the pros and cons of immigrating to America. They sold quickly: more than fifty were sold. Logically, after all, the interest in immigrating to America was high.

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