Ron Blau wins Snackmasters snack: ‘I’ve been working on it almost day and night’ |  cooking and eating

Ron Blau wins Snackmasters snack: ‘I’ve been working on it almost day and night’ | cooking and eating

cooking and eatingChef Ron Blau presents a TV quiz Snack Masters won. The chef beat his colleagues by recreating the best cocktail nut. “When I managed to get the crack, I had a jubilant moment.”

Hamka chips, marshmallows, raisins. Celebrity chefs are doing their best to recreate signature snacks in recent weeks. TV show final Snack Masters. With Miljuschka Witzenhausen and Martijn Krabbé, celebrity star chef Ron Blaau was the winner. In the final match he defeated Dennis Howa, who is also a star chef. Battle bets: Nut drink.

Was it an exciting match?
Yes, all matches were exciting. You are very interested in that because you really want to do it right. Then the intolerance begins. I was constantly working on it. This snack will dominate your life for three days. You work on it almost day and night.”

Was it good or bad to recreate perfectly prepared snacks?
In the semi-finals we had to make bacon, which was harder than the hazelnut cocktail. Although that was also difficult. We had to get the peanuts out of the shell. And I wanted the “crack” to be perfect. We finally figured out how to do it, with a layer on top of it. The secret was to mix two recipes. Another powder has been added. When we had that rift, it was a moment of euphoria.”


I know the chefs said no for fear of going out. But you just have to work and you do it with the whole team

Ron Plow

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How do you like making factory snacks?
It sounds simple and might come from a factory, but this snack is ultimately created out of passion. We must not lose sight of it. The original Cocktail Nut was first made by two Indian aunts. They had a relative who worked in a pharmacy and then they started making Shanghai nuts in a factory like grain in the factory. Later came the boys from Duijvis, who paid well. It’s a typical Dutch thing. Everyone loves it. In Asia, you see roasted peanuts covered in spicy sugar, but without the cocktail nuts.”

What is the hardest snack?
“Bacon. This was his style. Sugar is not my strength and I thought how to manage it? When the box was opened (the chefs were always given a box full of wrapping the snack they were going to imitate, ed.), I thought: This is the end, and this will be the downfall. ”

Aren’t you afraid of your reputation?
“I really wanted to win the first round. And she notes, when you go further, you want to go further. I saw the English version on RTLZ. The chefs had to make whoppers. And typical English chips. I loved it and knew that if it came to Holland, I definitely would like to join in. I know the chefs said no for fear of going out. But you just have to go ahead and do it with the whole team. After such a difficult period, it’s good that something positive can happen.”

What do you look at with the most pleasure?
, that feeling that you’re accomplishing something when you already thought: that it will never work and then it will eventually. You do it all together. With all the knowledge, all the relationships, all the employees. This teamwork was beautiful.”

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Are you going to do something with your new skills?
We will definitely serve borrelnuts in our restaurants. As a joke, but I noticed a lot of people liked my post and a lot of people looked at it.”

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