(Re)discovering the Bible through the lens of science

(Re)discovering the Bible through the lens of science

Nieuwerkerker drs.ing.Cees J Muusse's book takes you on an interesting journey into the distant past. Based on scholarly insights, he sheds new light on the background and origins of the Bible in this five-part lecture series. He does this at Library de Groene Venen, Batavierlaan 4, 2912SG Nieuwerkerk ad IJssel Entrance is free Start: 7:30pm – 9:30pm

We explore treasure troves of archeology, history and diverse cultures to better understand the past. Truth is often more wonderful than fiction, and the Bible still holds many secrets. These lectures are about scientific discoveries and not about the religious doctrine of particular church groups. Everyone is left free to draw conclusions from archaeological finds and scientific publications related to the Bible.

Cees J. Muusse studied theology in Utrecht and worked abroad for large dredging companies for years. He later became a safety expert. He wrote several books on theology and security. The five lectures can be attended separately.

February 15 – The Essenes and the Qumran Scrolls
March 7 – Nag Hammadi Scrolls, Unknown Gospels
April 11 – Gnosticism and the early Christians
May 16 – Cathars and Crusaders
June 13 – Later Doctrines and Church Doctrine

Admission to all evenings is free. Coffee, soft drinks or tea during the break at your own expense. There is plenty of opportunity for questions and further exploration. Want to check where you stand and stay informed of any changes? Then sign up for the evening(s) of your choice. https://www.bibliotheekdegroenevenen.nl/home/aanmeldenlezingceesmuusse.html Or on the library table in Nieuwekerk aan den IJssel

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