Rain offers hope to Greek fire brigade |  abroad

Rain offers hope to Greek fire brigade | abroad

At the moment, in high temperatures, the winds are still very strong. This can cause new fires. Also fires are still burning, for example, bushes and moss. Although the fire service says the danger is far from over, mayors in the Peloponnese say the situation has improved.

The weather has not improved everywhere. The lightning strikes caused fires in some places, including western Athens. However, this fire was quickly put out or brought under control.

Forest fires in Greece have so far destroyed at least 90,000 hectares of land. The Geological Institute of the University of Athens calculated the damage and said there would be more burnt soil.

“The dates are constantly changing, as the fire has not yet been extinguished,” geology professor Niki Evilpidou told the Greek newspaper Kathimerini. And even if the fires are extinguished, the danger is not over, according to Evilpidu. The land is more prone to floods and landslides after wildfires. “This has happened a lot in recent years after heavy rain.”

The professor says that the island of Evia is the hardest hit. At least 50,000 hectares of forest were burned there. The fire did not go out there once and continues to spread. More than 10,000 hectares of land on the Peloponnese Peninsula have already been reduced to ashes.

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