Prisoners in New York go to court accused of missing a solar eclipse
Six men in a prison in Woodburn, New York, will go to court together. They believe they have the right to see a solar eclipse because this is a “religiously important event” for them.
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All men have different backgrounds. One is a Muslim, one is a Baptist, one is a Christian, two are followers of the African religion Santeria, and one is an atheist. However, solar eclipses occur in all their religions, and the natural phenomenon is “of enormous value” to all of them, they write in their complaint.
The solar eclipse will be visible in parts of the United States on Monday. It is a rare natural phenomenon, because the last time Americans saw the moon blocking the sun's rays was in 2017. The next solar eclipse will not be visible in the United States until 2044.
'Closer to God'
The six men hope the court will issue its ruling before the weekend. “Watching the solar eclipse with the people I know here brings me closer to God,” one man said. American media.
The prison where they were previously held announced that it would close on the day of the natural phenomenon. This means that prisoners are not allowed out between 2:00 PM and 5:00 PM. The solar eclipse will be visible in New York around 3:15 p.m.
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