Panic and sleep deprivation due to temporary contracts in science

Panic and sleep deprivation due to temporary contracts in science

Temporary contracts with poor conditions at the university make work very difficult for researchers and lecturers. This is the red line in a report that contains personal stories.

Researchers and educators worry a lot about their future stilt The National Campaign Group Casual Academic Report was published this week.

Number of temporary contracts in universities grow The working group warns of the damage it is causing to research quality and academic freedom. The working group recorded 28 stories from anonymous lecturers and researchers working at Utrecht University, University of Amsterdam, VU University, Erasmus University, Leiden University and Groningen University.

lack of perspective

On average, the interviewees worked on temporary contracts for five and a half years. Some have to enter temporary contracts one by one for twelve years to continue working in academia.

Stories say the lack of perspective breaks academics. Respondents report staying up late, constant bouts of anxiety, and physical complaints.

over time

Researchers tasked with the teaching task indicate that they structurally work unpaid overtime for relatively low wages. Some worked twice as many hours in the past year to access their research. Many teachers have to combine sometimes small jobs to one day per week to make ends meet.

Excessive stress resulting from this causes fatigue. The report shows that, ironically, these lead to job opportunities again. One interviewee reported that he was offered a temporary contract twice because others dropped out due to complaints of burnout.

Save money

According to the report, HR often turns away from employees to save money. Respondents reported being given jobs that did not officially exist so that they could be placed on lower pay scales. The department also forced them not to give many lectures or attract research grants because they would have to secure a permanent contract for which there would be no money.

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Some employees in the Revolving Door Building. They are out of work for several months before they can get a temporary appointment again. One teacher, for example, was forced to continue providing unpaid lectures and lessons for three months between contracts for fear of overburdening his colleagues.

According to the report, the attitude of the interviewees is so weak that academic freedom is also under pressure. Someone said “How can you criticize someone who decides your future?”

All this is causing many talented people to drop out of science, fears the working group Casual Academy, who wants to use the report to create awareness in the lead up to a better teamwork agreement.

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