Opening the border again between Morocco and the Spanish pavilion

Opening the border again between Morocco and the Spanish pavilion

Zutberg explains that the borders will open today on a symbolic date. “It is on May 17, exactly one year ago, that Morocco decided to open the border with Ceuta to allow 10,000 Moroccan immigrants and other African young women to enter the city. And this caused a humanitarian disaster.”

According to Zutberg, Morocco deliberately wanted to create chaos, to emphasize that it plays a major role in controlling migration flows to Europe. “Not guarding the border was actually used as leverage.” Now normalize the proportions again. Zutberg believes that agreements will be reached on this monitoring.

By the way, you can only use the road at the moment if you have a European passport from one of the Schengen countries. After that, the borders will gradually open to migrant workers.

isolated for two years

In economic terms, the reopening is good news for the Spanish economy. From the port cities of Algeciras and Cadiz, about three million people used to take ferries to Morocco each year. It all stopped.

Moreover, Spanish plots of land in northern Morocco have been completely isolated for two years due to the lockdown. No goods can be sent there from the Spanish mainland. According to Zoutberg, it is very important that you open those borders now again.

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