Nature today | Young people and experts are sounding the alarm about biodiversity
Naples received the statement: “I support the statement’s message. It is in everyone’s interest to prevent biodiversity loss. Now agreements must be made with all responsible parties, agreements that we must maintain with each other. Only then can we stop the decline. I look forward to the next steps at JongerenXNaturalis.” “.
Loss of biodiversity
Today is the International Day for Biological Diversity. An important day, because biodiversity is under pressure around the world. The result is a sharp decline in species. Hiemstra: “The European Union presented its 2030 Biodiversity Strategy this week. Also in the Netherlands, biodiversity should be on the political agenda, because it is of vital importance. A healthy ecosystem purifies our water and air, balances the climate, turns waste into raw materials, “It pollinates and fertilizes crops. That is why the loss of biodiversity will be a big problem for all future generations.”
Seat at the table
Young people are interested in the validity of life in the world. They took to the streets by the thousands. So far, not much has been done about their concerns about the future of our planet, the state of biodiversity and the climate. And that when, in fact, it is a matter of choice. This is why they are calling on politicians to work together now. Munnen: “Neither the biodiversity crisis nor the climate crisis can await a new coalition agreement or a future government. Now is the time for serious and political action. This requires more tools to increase knowledge and appreciation of biodiversity. The statement lists some of these tools, such as the Ministry of Climate and Biodiversity, That can stop crises. As far as we are concerned, it can be cut and pasted into the new coalition agreement. “
Next steps
Mounen, Heimstra and Nebels spoke at length about a business plan. Naples: “The statement addresses an important topic, which has not yet been adequately discussed in the public and political debate. This crisis needs“ 1.5 degrees ”of climate change: a signal that visualizes the seriousness of the problem in the long term. In addition, it is important now to set a goal for ourselves. “Sit with officials and make arrangements with them. The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL), as a freelance correspondent, can measure progress and status. As a measure of biodiversity.”
Young XNaturalis
The JongerenXNaturalis Research Center consists of around sixty representatives of Dutch youth organizations (such as the Youth Climate Movement, JNM (Youth in Nature), NJR (National Youth Council), Youth For Climate NL, Urgenda, Dutch Wavemakers, Milieudefensie, Fridayays for Future, Climate and Environment Educators Active Youth), students, artists and scientists from the Naturalis Center for Biodiversity. The thought center unites two worlds: science and activism, analysis and empathy, and strategy and imagination. From a common urgency, they worked on stating the time for biodiversity. With this statement they are raising the alarm for the Dutch government. The statement received more than 6,000 statements of support. The JongerenXNaturalis project became possible in part by the ASN Foundation.
more information
For more information on Young XNaturalis For photos, please contact Robin Heerink, Communications Adviser, Center for Natural Biodiversity at [email protected] or 06 – 131 731212.
Text: Robin Herink, Natural Biodiversity Center
Photo: Naturalis Biodiversity Center
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