More and more German companies are moving to the Netherlands

More and more German companies are moving to the Netherlands

And more and more German entrepreneurs can not wait to fall into the Netherlands. To mitigate change and improve relations between neighbors, the German-Dutch Chamber of Commerce is organizing the Netherlands tag today.

Gunder Kolker is the director of the German-Dutch Chamber of Commerce, and explains why the Netherlands is so interesting to German entrepreneurs. ‘The Netherlands is known as an interesting sales market and logistics hub in Germany. In addition, more and more German companies see the Netherlands as a logistics partner for jointly developing services and products. ‘

The Netherlands Tag aims to contribute to this collaboration and exchange technical knowledge. About 400 companies have registered for the digital event.

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Pharmaceutical and technology companies in particular are moving to the Netherlands. ‘For example, Walker Biotech will develop a vaccine against corona in the Netherlands next month. In addition, Digital has developed a hub to carry out marketing activities from the Netherlands, ‘says Golkar.

During the Corona crisis, German-Dutch cooperation also proved to be stable. ‘Trade between the two countries has slowed down a bit, but much less than other countries. It is easier to maintain trade routes with direct neighbors than the United States or distant Asia, ‘said the director of the German-Dutch Chamber of Commerce.

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