Monday’s Battlefield 4 message, from Software and Trump

Monday’s Battlefield 4 message, from Software and Trump

You know it’s coming. After a nice lazy weekend (hopefully) there won’t be an extra day off, but just a cold, snowy Monday. Life is so predictable. To break up the routine, we’re gearing up to answer a bunch of male questions from the community. Because we already announced it last week, this time it’s Letter MAN Day. An edition full of male questions. Answered by the most male trio imaginable: Boris, Skeet, and Stephen. During this Letter Monday (A) today, the testosterone-fueled gentlemen will be working on questions about potential Battlefield replacements, male diets, male software, Dune, and potential Gamekings equivalents. You’ll see and hear the answers to all of these questions and more in the Monday Letter, July 15, 2024.

What is a good alternative to the male franchise Battlefield?

So the questions are 100% male in this Monday post. For example, one guy thinks that most of the superhero and sci-fi heroes from his youth have failed. Fortunately, according to him, there is Dune. Do we agree with him and do we see other series that we might like? And what do you think of the great gamers who still make games for the GBA? A handheld device from the time when it was all about games instead of money? The three gentlemen give their honest and direct answers.

What are the future plans for the software?

Other male questions include what impact female gamers have had on game development, what are the plans for the most skilled developers ever, From software What is the right diet for men to lose extra pounds? Do we know other gaming channels that are comparable to the content we create at Gamekings? All the answers are ready for you precisely in this video.

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