Maxima brings out ‘Old Songs’ in Kenya

Maxima brings out ‘Old Songs’ in Kenya

On the third and final day of her United Nations visit to Kenya, Máxima took out a golden cup from her bag.

The Queen is visiting the Republic of Kenya in her capacity as the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA). Improving the quality of digital financial services is key, in combination with the themes of “financial health” and “inclusive green finance”.

Maxima dress from Nathan is made of burgundy silk. The center front of the fitted bra extends to a cross seam at the hip. From here, one square pleat is created in the middle, while two flat pleats are created from the separating layers. Separate pattern processing, which has been meticulously executed.

Patrick van Cutwijk
Patrick van Cutwijk

natan dress:

We can now also call this the UN dress. This is the fourth time the garment has served in this context.

Before the dress could be used again after six years of leave, it was extended. Curious to know which other dresses should be longer? Then click here.

Our photographer for this trip, Patrick van Cutwijk, prepares fun and educational videos of the trip especially for us. Below you can see photos from yesterday, including a hug from Maxima.

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