Queen Elizabeth II’s doctors are concerned about her health: what’s going on?

Queen Elizabeth II’s doctors are concerned about her health: what’s going on?

During Online Editing

“After further assessment this morning, the Queen’s doctors are concerned about Her Majesty’s health. They have recommended that she remain under medical supervision.” The Queen appears to be at ease in Balmoral.

It was already announced on Wednesday that Elizabeth should take a break after a “full” day on Tuesday. Visited by former Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who came to tender his resignation. Then came Liz Truss, who was asked by Elizabeth to become the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. The Queen has taken it easy in recent months due to her fragile health. She canceled several appointments on the advice of her doctor.

Meanwhile, immediate family members were informed. It was also announced that Crown Prince Charles and Prince William the Queen would visit Balmoral Castle. As you know, new Prime Minister Liz Truss. “The entire country is currently concerned about the news from Buckingham Palace,” Truss wrote on Twitter. “My thoughts – and those of everyone in the UK – are with Her Majesty and her family now.”

According to many British media, the Queen was going to fall, but this has not yet been confirmed.

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