Malgosia from B&B Vol Liefde can also be seen in this reality series | RTL Street

Malgosia from B&B Vol Liefde can also be seen in this reality series | RTL Street

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© RTLMalgosia from B&B Vol Liefde can also be seen in this reality series.


Malgosia provides the necessary entertainment in “B&B Vol Liefde”. She manages to bring the grumpy Albert out of his shell a little and actually make him laugh. She is also very popular with the viewers. It turns out: Malgosia already has the necessary TV experience, because she also appeared in another reality show.

In Poland, Malgosia is participating in the third season of the reality show. Devils DevinIn this program, viewers get a glimpse into the lives of several successful Polish women, including Malgosia. The show shows Malgosia dividing her time between Zakopane, Poland and the Netherlands, keeping busy with her daughter Natalia’s career.

Because guess what? In B&B full of love Of course we can already see that Malgosia can sing beautifully, but her daughter also seems to have a golden earring. In fact, Malgosia has such confidence in her daughter’s voice that she… Mommy He is busy building a career. This aspect has also been discussed several times in the reality series, and Malgosia is just as brilliant as he is in B&B full of love:

You will hear more about Malgosia, the “Real Polish Housewife” in the RTL series Boulevard B&Bijpraten:

Malgosia is a woman on a mission, because in B&B full of love She already has one goal on the first day: to kiss Albert. But will her plan work?

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