Mads Mikkelsen’s significant role in “Indiana Jones 5” is well known?

Mads Mikkelsen’s significant role in “Indiana Jones 5” is well known?

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Next year, everyone’s favorite archeologist will finally return to the cinemas for a fifth and final adventure, the first and only. Indiana Jones.

At least, the latter is for the protagonist Harrison Ford Which then runs until the age of eighty. In recent years and years, there have been delays in production and rewriting of the script, with the director being changed by the captain at the peak. Steven Spielberg Which gave way to James Mangold.

Fans have been happy at the time recently, among other things Mads Mikkelsen He was added to the cast. Now ILLUMINERDI claims to have information about its stake and where the film will be shown.

Supporter of Hitler’s Reich

According to internal sources, Mikkelsen will be the villain and his character is described as a Nazi scientist who was recruited by the United States government to NASA to work on the space agency’s initiative to land on the moon.

This means that the fifth movie will definitely happen in the subsequent 1960s, which fits in well with the timeline of the timeline of Crystal Skull Kingdom, Which was in 1957.

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