Love Is Blind Candidates Complain: ‘Roaches In The Bedroom’

Love Is Blind Candidates Complain: ‘Roaches In The Bedroom’

in an essay inside We are talking, among other things, about the long recording days. In the final season of love is blind For example, we see Tiffany sleeping on a pod, while a man declares love to her. Tiffany is receiving the necessary criticism, but now it seems that her very long recording days are ahead of her. For example, sometimes candidates are filmed for 20 hours straight. As a result, many candidates sleep through appointments and are forced to take naps during breaks.

Sleeping conditions are also not ideal. All candidates sleep in a single sleeper trailer filled with bunk beds. Since there are not enough bunk beds, some candidates have to sleep on the floor. Danielle Drouin, who became engaged in the first season but can’t be seen in the episodes, believes the filmmakers are doing this on purpose. “We were so sleep deprived. I think they wanted to break us. They just want you to be under stress.”

And it doesn’t stop there. According to Daniel, there are cockroaches running through the trailer. The makers of the program tell Inside that the claims are untrue. “The health of our participants is of the utmost importance to us. We have strict protocols to care for each person before, during and after filming.” Netflix itself declined to comment.

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