Latin America and the Caribbean could become one of the best food-producing regions in the world

Latin America and the Caribbean could become one of the best food-producing regions in the world

Croplife Latin America CEO Jose Bertomo recently released a statement saying, “Latin America and the Caribbean need to provide nutritional protection and public environmental services globally.” The region produces 12% of the world’s food, compared to 11% in the United States and Canada, 11% in the European Union, 11% in India, 24% in China and 29% in other developing countries.

He said Latin America and the Caribbean currently account for 16% of global horticulture exports and 12% of global horticultural production. Bertomo pointed out that Latin America has the potential to grow food more efficiently every day, with higher productivity and lower cost, conditions and human capacity to achieve this.

Regional Challenges
The CEO of Croplife Latin America pointed out that there are currently concerns about food security and food costs. In this regard, he said that the vulnerability of Latin America has attracted the attention of international organizations as the corona virus has exposed many vulnerabilities.

“The most sustainable increase in horticultural productivity remains a challenge. Insects in the tropics are an issue that is not on the European political agenda. That is.”

Photo: Croplife Latin America

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