‘It goes a little slower in corona time’

‘It goes a little slower in corona time’

Cover the coins stacked by the toy truck on a white background

Anawat Sutzenham / I.MGetty Images

Good news at Corona time. Pinch Capital, located in Concertzepublin, Amsterdam, which previously invested money in banks’ gatekeepers, ranks fourth. 150 million Mainly dealing with foreign institutional investors. At least 85 million has already been confirmed and they expect the remaining € 65 million to be confirmed in the second quarter. This money will be spent on companies that do things with artificial intelligence and / or fintech. Foreman Rodford Vilar (43) is happy to be able to collect such a bag while working from home. ‘Personalization is very important in our business. This is really different from investing in a company. People often make a ten-year commitment, allowing others to invest their money. The only thing they can do is look at history, and in the end it all worked out, but all of this will take some more time. Then you get a letter on the mat that appears to have been on the road for a month. Still, this is another academic time, and you will find out if investors who talk to multiple parties believe your story. ‘

Pinch will fish in the ponds of companies with revenues of more than 2 to 5 million, for the simple reason that this type is ‘excellent’ Income ‘ Provided by. ‘In addition, these companies have essentially passed the stage of storytelling and you can see what they have actually built. Of course internationally, there is still a lot of profit to be made in this category, with companies with a turnover of over 10 million euros being the most excited. So the millions that have been mobilized are mainly coming from abroad, isn’t that surprising? With victories for both Fee-Lace (Molly and Adian) TradePage (Flow Traders, IMC, Optiver), we have many examples of warming fellow countrymen for a fintech adventure. ‘This is the third fund we have set up, and we have already raised more Dutch money than the first two funds. We are not only in the Netherlands, on the contrary. Of the twenty companies we are going to invest in, a quarter will come from the Netherlands, but that too may be less. Non-European investors continue to find Europe difficult, a fragmented market with many countries and regulations, which is very difficult to scale. In the US and China it’s a little easier. Adien is a very European success, but most still think most of the success came from the United States. ‘

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It is not surprising to Vlor that the Netherlands is doing very well in this business. ‘We recently held talks with a Spanish company whose CEO does not speak English. The Netherlands is a small housing market, which means companies are rapidly pursuing international aspirations. You will find that the Dutch and Scandinavian markets in particular are rapidly accepting e-commerce, and there is a great need for online payment here. Of course this corona crisis helped it. ‘

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